Attack on the Train
In a winter night covered with fog, I and Sumon, a colleague of mine were on the Chitra train. We were coming from our office to Dhaka. In airport station, surprisingly all of the passengers went down. In our compartment, there were 4 people more. We were puffing Gold leaf and they were having leaves. Strong marijuana smell was reaching our nose and we smelled something else too. It was a sense of two men getting trapped in a hijack.
We both looked at each other and rolled out another cigarette. As if as long as we have burning sticks, we are men and we are safe. It seemed right. But to wrong people. As long as their sticks were burning, environment was tensed yet calm and smelly. Eye contacts proved that they wanted to do some damage to us.
When you know something bad has reached your radius, an unknown sense of your brain tells you that it is time to be cautious. Look around and find some help. The situation is not defendable.
We were half way through out stick and was counselling us to be safe. But their puffs were finished and started to walk towards us. We both wanted to leave the compartment and go to another one. Hell! we planned to even jump off the train. We reached the connecting gate and someone hold my hand. The touch was warm but not of any romantic one rather it transferred a fear. I wanted to let go my hand but he grabbed hard and pulled me in the aisle. Summy instantly pushed that guy and tried to reach me. Two other guy came and grabbed by Summy’s shoulder. I kicked one of them in the balls to finish him for tonight at least. But this was a mistake. As now they are aware of the abdomen attack which we could do and became careful. I ran towards the gate and one of them ran behind me. As soon as I reached the gate, that guy caught me by my heap and we fell of the train.
It seemed like a ton bag of wheat topped on me but no, it was the fat comfy belly of the goon. For once I thought, why do not I have such pillow in my bed. I need super dragon balls and the wish of Berrus. Then the load kept on pushing me in the hard field which seemed like breath stopping. I pushed him in the corner and like no other than famous Mua Thai Fighter Stamp Fairtex, I jabbed some elbow to the face. The elbows looked harmless but they produced a large amount of pain in the face skull. It was obvious because elbow is harder and pointer than face. It bled and he got scared which gave me courage to hit more. Now I see why hitting is addictive when you can pound upon your enemy.
After a severe hit, I won that UFC battle but it was not over, my friend was holding two of them in the window and possibly he fell of the window along with them. So I searched for them in the rail line. Within 500 meter, I saw two men fighting one. It was an unfair fight in reality. You cannot possibly beat two guy if you are bare handed. When I got near silently, I saw the third men getting back on his leg from the fall. Before he could collect himself, ball attack worked. This time, I was confident and with rage. I feel pity that kick might have broken his balls. Owk!
Now how to handle the other two. There is only one way. Give a sprint, make sure the momentum is uninterrupted, fly in the sky within 5 feet range of the target, bend you knees, and point them to the target. A perfect Tony Jaa knee attack. A shivering went through my leg and we were at our destination.
I was still puffing my cigarette and looking at the 4 people puffing their sticks. We got off the train and went home.