The Data Centre
Marijaba walked down the stairs and entered the room with a nervous look in his face. Things are not going well in the data centre. There were two physical breaches and one cyber attack in the last 4 months. The “WADAC” aka world association of data acquisition centre which holds almost every possible information that was in the computers and servers of every possible source from earth. The anxiety is not because the breach happened but it happened during the summer season of Mars’ south Pole, it is when oxygen level is down to zero because of the broken part of the Sun rotation towards Mars. The Excessive heat from the core directly hit the planets and breaks every gaseous molecule on the surface. The crust of Mars however adapted to withstand the heat but not the molecules and environment.
In year 3040, scientists from Indian Subcontinent discovered that Sun had a crack that will eventually become a lost part because of its exterior force. The core wanted to hold tight to the Hydrogens for millions of years but the crust of certain part of the sun can not hold the excessive exothermic force the fusion created on the surface. So, all the life form in Earth had to find a way to live elsewhere or die. Elsewhere is not earth for sure and it is not Mars either. Mars is the data centre for earth’s all information that could be gathered before a semi doomsday hit the earth. All of which were destined for Moon’s cold pole by once a great rocket guy Steven Numbi Musk but the AI driven rocket changed its route to Mars because Moon was no more.
The problem with this data colony is it holds simulation about how a earthling would live in a different planet where breathing gas ratio is far lower than earth. This simulation is a way out for a psycho-rebel group which wants to go across the horizon to. To explore aliens. But earth cannot afford to explore aliens now. The data centre needs to maintain tight security underground, food, rations, engineers, doctors, and teachers among others. Security and Food are two faces of one coin here because without proper food served, they will rebel. Foods needed to imported from other planets, of course which are edible, and that costs 4 of the available ships that can travel in space. Fuel is found in Mars thanks to Almighty. So, World Association can not afford a ship to explore new house. The doctors, engineers are limited to maintain heath of people and machines. But they will die and places will be empty. So they need couple of teachers among them to teach who are alive. So things can go on. But for how many years?
If data centre is lost, Humans will lose every knowledge they had. The history of Earth, Kings and their states, All mathematical formulas, All physics and chemical theories and derivations, all the important inventions that humans made, complex codes which needed years of thinking, all the books that were online, everything will be lost but the Quran. Interestingly the remaining humans had 8 people who has complete memory of this Book and it increased to 14 by this year. All of the memory are same in recitation and in words.
The knowledge and science for which humans strived in earth for so many years will be in vain if they can not maintain the supply chain they are having now.
(Part 2 will be published soon)
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