The Data Centre (Part-2)
The Chinning Sound is increasing. It is hurting the ears. Central guards with automatic Rifles are feeling pain. All of a sudden, a the door opens and 6 men entered the hallway. The leader led the way to shoot the guards, smoked his pipe and blasted the data center gate. Alarm was on since the door got broken. But he seemed very calm unlike his accomplices. The hacker went to the data centre and stole everything they could within 5 minutes of cut off time. After that, Power shuts down in all corners of the building. Only oxygen supply remains.
Special Security Service came to the spot in 3 minutes and there was no one in the hallway other than the dead guards. It was successful data heist and shameful for the special security service. But what did they take?
After 23 hours, the internal analyst found out what data was taken. Marijaba came asked,
: What took you so long to found?
: The pirates copied each file of the archive. But extracted only 4 of them.
: So, why did they copied all and took 4?
: Because they wanted us to burn time on finding which files they took.
: Which ones?
: Cloning.
: They want to make clones? Where? Did they find any place habitable for Humans?
At this point, everyone woke from the simulation they were in. Everyone looked at the window and sighs off as Earth is not destroyed at all. They are going back for their normal work at Panfak Search Engine Corp.
Read the First part here
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